Step #1:
Gain Clarity
Take our FREE assessment and see your strengths (yes, you have strengths!) AND the specific areas you need to work on so you can take your life back from the stress of T1D.
Step #2:
Join the Program
Our on-demand courses and LIVE coaching events will give you a clear roadmap you can use to optimize the five key areas of your diabetes management, all for less than $1 a day.
Step #3:
Live again!
With a proven roadmap to help you manage the stress of T1D, you’ll be amazed by how much more freedom and peace of mind you experience, and how much lighter the weight of T1D feels in your life.

"Trusting myself again feels great!"
Until recently, even the thought of eating foods I enjoy and trying staying in range was terrifying to me so I never tried. But now with diabetes mindset tools I've learned, I feel so much more confident. Even my husband noticed yesterday when we went on a bit of a hike to the beach… no panic just strategy and trust. It feels so good to trust myself again!
-Melissa (T1D for 22 years)

"Diabetes is tough but I got this!"
Dr. Mark has helped me manage the accumulated daily stress and put in the effort to implement my health care teams’ suggestions. Now I’m eating a wide variety of foods. I’m more relaxed about the lows and highs, and I’ve developed strategies that feel sustainable. It feels so good to say, Diabetes is tough but I got this!
-Rachel (T1D for 8 years)

"I can act even when I am scared."
It took me 6 years to accept T1D. I did everything to avoid it. Getting honest with myself was tough. Even now 13 years on I still find myself in shock at times. But things have changed. Now I’m learning to be kinder to myself, to get adept at failure, that the way I talk to myself about diabetes matters. I know I can act even when I am scared.
-Joe (T1D for 13 years)
FREE Resources from

The Ultimate Guide to Conquering Your
Fear of Low Blood Sugar
5 steps to help you break free from your fear and take back control of your life!
Download Now!
The LiveFree with T1D Podcast is the only podcast where we coach you to build your T1D stress-management plan like a sailboat. You are the captain. The hull is your diabetes knowledge and management. The sails are your mindset. The rudder is your behavior and the crew is your support team.
If you build the five parts of your stress management plan correctly, you'll find smooth sailing with T1D.
Every week we help a person with T1D just like you optimize their sailboat.

(c) 2024. The Diabetes Psychologist. All rights reserved.
Does This Sound Like You?
✅ Are you smart, driven, and capable in most areas of your life, but T1D seems to be the one thing that feels out of control?
✅ Do you manage your blood sugars well but still feel overwhelmed or anxious, constantly fearing the next low or high?
✅ Do you find yourself making choices based on fear of lows or highs, only to feel frustrated with the limits T1D places on your life?
✅ Are you tired of thinking about diabetes every day and just wish it could take up less space in your mind?
If you answered yes to any of these, you're not alone—and you're in the right place. I want to help you take back control and live with more confidence and freedom.