5 Myths About Getting Unstuck with T1D

Episode #59

If you are like many people, the stress of T1D holds you back. What would you do if the stress of T1D didn't get in your way?

You can get unstuck with T1D - I promise!

Before you can get unstuck, you have to believe you can do it. If you buy the common myths about what it takes to get unstuck with T1D, you'll never even try!

In this episode of The Diabetes Psychologist Podcast, I help you dispel the FIVE most common myths about what it takes to get unstuck with T1D.

Myth #1: Your blood sugars have to be perfect all the time

Myth #2: You have to stop feeling stressed, burned out, or anxious 

Myth #3: You have to like having T1D

Myth #4: You have to have support from everyone in your life

Myth #5: You don't have to put in any work - it will just happen!

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