Why I Commemorate my Diaversary (and why you should too)!

Every year on June 1, I go to the same restaurant I went to the day I was diagnosed to eat pizza and commemorate my diaversary. My diaversary is an opportunity to reflect on my experience living with T1D and look for ways I can improve. My diaversary tradition helps me stay on track with my mental health with T1D.

On this episode of the podcast, I tell you why I have pizza at the same restaurant every year on my diaversary and why this tradition is so meaningful to me. I also reflect back on my last year living with T1D and tell talk about what went well for me, and what I can improve. Finally, I give you some tips for how you can commemorate your diaversary, even if you never have commemorated it before.

Find out more about The Diabetes Psychologist at www.thediabetespsychologist.com and on Instagram @thediabetespsychologist.