Lead with Action!

Episode #32

The only way to get unstuck with T1D is to move forward.

There are so many things that get in your way and keep you stuck with T1D. The big one is you put your emotions in charge of your behavior. You tell yourself you will start doing things differently when you feel a certain way. 

You'll start managing T1D when you don't feel so burnt out. You'll start being open about T1D when you are not so self-conscious. You'll start asking for the support you need when you feel more confident. Your emotions are calling the shots.

On this episode of The Diabetes Psychologist podcast, I talk about how leading with action is the only way to get unstuck with T1D. If you wait until your emotions 'let' you act differently, you'll probably be waiting a long time. When you take charge and lead with your behavior, no matter how you feel can do whatever you want. And that is the definition of getting unstuck. On this episode, I give you steps you can take to start leading with action today!

Ready to get unstuck in your life with T1D? Click HERE to sign up for my 6-week digital program Get Unstuck with T1D. This program is your step-by-step guide to getting unstuck and becoming more free, flexible, and confident in your life with T1D.

Find out more about The Diabetes Psychologist at www.thediabetespsychologist.com and on Instagram @thediabetespsychologist.