All about Psych Meds and T1D

Episode #26

Have you ever thought that taking a medication for depression anxiety might help you, but then you thought again because you were worried about how these drugs might impact your blood sugars? Or maybe you don't like the thought of taking another medication, even if it could help you.

On this episode of The Diabetes Psychologist podcast, I talk to an expert about psych meds and T1D. My guest is Dr. Roy Collins. Dr. Roy is a resident physician at Stanford University, and he has been living with type 1 diabetes since he was 13 years old.

Dr. Roy answers all your questions about psych meds and type 1 diabetes, including when they might be right for you and how these medications impact your blood sugars. Dr. Roy also gives some great advice on how to find a psychiatrist who gets T1D.

You can find Dr. Roy on Instagram @dr.royc on on the web at

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