Feeling Lost After Being Diagnosed with T1D

The story is the same...

If you were diagnosed with T1D as an adult, you go to the doctor (or the emergency room), they test your glucose and tell you that you have diabetes. Then they hand you a bag with insulin, a couple of generic brochures about diabetes and send you on your way. You know you have T1D, however you have NO IDEA how to manage your condition.

Sound familiar?

My guest on this episode of The Diabetes Psychologist Podcast is Stephanie. She was diagnosed with T1D 7 years ago at the age of 27, and for a long time, she felt like she had no idea what she was doing. In this episode, we talk about how she was able to get the education and support that she needs.

My book, Diabetes Sucks and You Can Handle It, is available on Amazon or from my website, www.thediabetespsychologist.com/book. Follow The Diabetes Psychologist on Instagram @thediabetespsychologist and join The Diabetes Psychologist Community on Facebook.