#130: Why I Changed My Approach to T1D + Mental Health

For too long, I focused on treating the stress of T1D reactively.

Feeling burned out? My approach was to help you feel less burned out.

Feeling anxious about lows? My approach was to try and make that anxiety go away.

However, I realized that there's a better way.

Instead of dealing with the stress of T1D reactively, we need to manage it proactively. We need to make sure you have the tools, resources, and support to deal with whatever stress you might deal with it, and it's best if you have these tools before the stress of T1D starts holding you back.

In this episode, I give you an overview of the proactive framework that I developed and have been using to help people just like you manage the stress of T1D. I'll describe the five parts of the framework, and you'll see how you can use it to become more resilient with the emotional burden of T1D. You will still experience stress because of T1D, there is no way around it. But with this framework, you'll be prepared to deal with the stress, and not let it hold you back.

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Diabetes Sucks and You Can Handle It can now be purchased on Amazon or on my website, www.thediabetespsychologist.com/book. Follow The Diabetes Psychologist on Instagram @thediabetespsychologist and join The Diabetes Psychologist Community on Facebook.