#132: Why Diabetes Education is Key to Your Mental Health

Learning what T1D, and how to manage YOUR diabetes is a critical part of emotional health. Because once you start feeling steady on your feet, life with T1D gets a lot easier...


You are going to have an easier time managing the inevitable stress that comes along with T1D.

So where do you start???

You need a T1D Management Playbook!


In this episode, I talk about why diabetes education is so important for your mental health with T1D. When you don't understand what T1D is and how it's managed, it will be impossible not to feel anxious and overwhelmed. But when you have a solid foundation in your management with T1D, everything will change. When you listen to this episode, you'll learn all about the T1D Management Playbook. You'll find out how you can use this playbook to reduce your stress and handle any blood sugar T1D throws your way.

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Diabetes Sucks and You Can Handle It can now be purchased on my website, www.thediabetespsychologist.com/book. Follow The Diabetes Psychologist on Instagram @thediabetespsychologist and join The Diabetes Psychologist Community on Facebook.