#141: Finding the Balance: Tips for Managing T1D and Anxiety

A lot of people tell me they feel out of control in their life with T1D. They feel like diabetes has taken control of their life and they are just along for the ride. They also tell me they do things to try to take back control, but it feels like it's never enough.

Can you relate?

Sarah definitely absolutely feels this way. As the mother to a 7-year-old with T1D, Sarah wants her daughter to be a normal kid. She also wants to make sure her daughter is healthy and safe. At times, Sarah is finding these two desires to be in conflict.

In this episode, I coach Sarah to reframe how she thinks about control in her family's life with T1D. We talk about how her desire to control situations helps her, and also how it holds her (and her daughter) back. Then I give Sarah some practical advice her help her keep her daughter safe and healthy and find the relief from her anxiety that she is looking for.

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Diabetes Sucks and You Can Handle It can now be purchased on my website, www.thediabetespsychologist.com/book. Follow The Diabetes Psychologist on Instagram @thediabetespsychologist and join The Diabetes Psychologist Community on Facebook.